4 Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Retraining Your Brain

In order to get unstuck, you have to learn how to remind your brain that you’re okay. This process is called “retraining your brain” or “brain retraining.”

When you’ve been on a healing journey, and you’re still not making much progress, your brain is probably stuck. To get unstuck, you have to retrain your brain and remind it that it is, in fact, okay and not in “danger,” and that you don’t need all the symptoms.

Brain retraining is a must before any of the physical protocols can actually help you heal your nervous system.

Healing your nervous system isn’t the only thing that brain retraining helps with. Retraining your brain can help you in so many ways, but for today I want to focus on the top four ways it benefits your mental and physical health:

How Does Retraining Your Brain Benefit Your Health?

brain retraining helps to develop healthy routines like your diet and exercise.

In essence, retraining your brain is the effort you’re making to reconnect your mind with your body. When your nervous system is “out of whack” or dysregulated, you experience both mental and physical symptoms.

While some symptoms can be temporarily remedied by other methods, brain retraining is a key element of long-lasting results. While healing your nervous system involves more than just brain retraining, you can start seeing and feeling improvements from this practice alone.

Here’s a look at some of the additional benefits of working on your mental health, nervous system, and thought processes when you retrain your brain:

Benefit #1: Decrease Anxiety

When you’ve chronic symptoms for a while, anxiety builds up in the brain and body due to the fear that your symptoms will be triggered at any time.

Brain training can help calm your brain and body to teach it that it’s safe and that your body isn’t in danger anymore, so anxiety can decrease, which decreases symptoms.

Retraining your brain from anxiety is one of the top benefits that leave a huge impact on your day-to-day life and is a common symptom of a dysregulated nervous system.

If anxiety is common for you, it might be a sign that you need to start regulating your nervous system.

Benefit #2: Stimulate The Vagus Nerve

Activate the vagus nerve through mindbody techniques to balance your nervous system

The vagus nerve, or vagal nerves, are the main nerves of your parasympathetic nervous system that helps control digestion, heart rate, and immune system. 

When you experience health difficulties like anxiety, depression, disordered eating, chronic illness, and chronic pain, your vagus nerve is shut down. 

Brain training stimulates the vagus nerve, and a healthy vagal tone means emotional regulation, greater connection, and better physical health. Emotional regulation can lead to better moods and can increase compassion and empathy for others.

Benefit #3: Create New, Healthy Patterns of Behavior

Your brain-body connection is incredibly powerful. Just as it can keep you stuck in your symptoms, it also has an amazing ability to self-heal and change on a cellular level if you give it the right environment to do so.

Changing how your brain and body automatically react to stressors and triggers in life is completely possible through reorganizing the brain’s neural networks.

Benefit #4: Feel More in Control of Your Health 

When you understand exactly what’s going on in your brain-body connection and learn to re-wire the brain’s responses, you now have tools you can use anywhere, anytime. No matter what happens in life, you’ll be equipped with the tools to help yourself.

Feeling like you have more control over your health can carry over to your life and give you a boost of confidence. When you feel that you have no control over aspects of your life, it can lead to increase anxiety and depression.

For some, you’ll notice this change right away as you begin to experience lessening symptoms and feel like you are actively changing your body and mind. Others may not feel more in control until they’ve drastically reduced their symptoms as they worry about symptoms coming back - although this mindset is tackled during brain retraining.

there are many exercises to practice retraining your brain including puzzles and quizzes

Can Brain Retraining Help Heal Your Nervous System?

Brain training is working on rebuilding your mind-to-body connection, a huge aspect of nervous system dysregulation. 

When you work on brain retraining, you take the first steps in my 4-step framework for healing your nervous system. This method helps you find a better way to heal and begin to feel free from chronic pain and illness - and the overwhelm that comes with managing your conditions. 

Brain retraining is not impossible, it’s not difficult when you have the right techniques to follow. It’s just one of the many methods we cover in the MHM - the Mindbody Healing Method.

The MHM helps treat common conditions like joint pain and muscle pain, fibromyalgia, sciatica, headaches and migraines, chronic fatigue, chronic anxiety, CRPS, food intolerances, IBS, and other symptoms lasting more than six months with no obvious sign of tissue damage or success with other treatment.

To see if the program is the right fit for you, apply to the Mindbody Healing Method today.


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