The Magic of Shifting Your Mindset and Changing Your Body’s Response

The power of shifting your mindset is magical. You’re changing your body’s automatic responses to bring about a whole new way of looking at yourself and your life.

Not everyone is ready to fully embody what it takes to shift their mindset or do the work it takes to change your body’s responses. It requires commitment, time, and surrendering to a higher power - however, the relief is immense and the benefits go beyond your life now.

It’s not a decision made on a whim, it’s a decision that requires work and for you to dig deep and commit to fully understanding WHY your body is responding how it is.

a woman looking at the world through a positive mindset

I want to talk to you about how the shift happens, the benefits of making the shift, and how to recognize when and if you’re ready to change your life -

How to Start Shifting Your Mindset

The first step in shifting your mindset to heal your body is recognizing how important your mindset is and how it impacts your body’s responses to stress and pain.

Your mind plays a huge role in how your body responds to triggers and events around you. It can even impact how your gut functions, your immune system, and chronic pain.

Shifting your mindset is one part of getting to the root cause of your symptoms and beginning to change the way your body processes pain which holds a big space within our Mind Body Healing Method.

To further begin to shift your mindset, there are a few activities you can do throughout your day. For example, you can practice gratitude and gratitude meditation, focus on fostering positive relationships, and practice self-care.

The small steps you take add up to help with big changes in your life and your mindset. You’ll begin to notice your mindset shifting and even begin to feel ready for bigger changes, and commitments.

The Benefits of Shifting Your Mindset in Holistic Healing

The most important benefit of shifting your mindset is taking the next step in healing your body of pain and freeing yourself to fully embrace life. 

When partnered with somatic healing practices, you can feel relief from pain associated with sciatica, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, IBS, and more. When you’re committed, the change is magical.

Shifting your mindset can be a leading step in regulating your nervous sy

As you change your mindset, you can also begin to experience other benefits, such as:

A Sense of Respect for Yourself & Your Health

You gain a sense of pride and appreciation for the efforts you take to improve yourself and your health. You can see and experience the change, earning respect for yourself from yourself.

With a strong sense of respect and appreciation for yourself and your health, you gain the motivation to continue improving and committing to changing your life. You’re more likely to make decisions that positively impact your health without fear or stress holding you back.

The Ability to Live a Fulfilling Life

a woman and her grandma having a conversation outside while laughing

You’re no longer at the whim of your pain and stress. As you’ve taken control of your health, you’re able to focus on living a fulfilling life without being held back by your body and mind.

When you’re able to live and focus on the quality of your life, you’re able to make decisions that bring you joy. Rather than focusing on making it through your day-to-day, you can really focus on and enjoy every moment.

Deeper Relationships

You can focus your energy on building deeper and more meaningful relationships, you’re no longer socially isolated and exhausted. You can put more effort into spending time with those you love and appreciate.

As you’re able to build deeper relationships, you find support in your interactions and sense of community. You no longer feel isolated and alone in your pain and in your body. You begin to experience a sense of social freedom and connection with others.

Confidence in Your Abilities

You’re able to feel more confident in yourself and your abilities to handle anything that comes your way thanks to your new arsenal of tools. You don’t stress being stressed or triggered, you’re confident in your abilities to remove yourself from the fight-flight-freeze response and calm your body and mind.

The more you equip yourself with the tools and techniques to settle your mind and body, the more confident you will become in your abilities to navigate through life. When you shift your mindset, you’re equipping yourself with another tool to build your confidence in life.

a woman looking into a mirror while taking a photo full of confidence

How to Know When You’re Ready to Start Healing

Not everyone is ready to start healing, and that's okay. Healing can be painful, and time-consuming, and not everyone is ready to take that on and commit to the journey - even if the result is magical and freeing. 

Before I work with anyone on their nervous system (and that’s what it is, working on healing and regulating your nervous system), there are three questions I like to ask that you can use as a good marker for if you’re really ready to start healing -

Do you have chronic symptoms (mental or physical) affecting your life? This can look like chronic fatigue, IBS, brain fog, and more. For a full list of symptoms, visit my MHM page.

Are you open to letting go of old habits and patterns? It’s common to feel uncomfortable and sometimes mentally stressed to begin with, you’re letting go of a lot of habits you’ve created to feel “safe” when your mind tells you you’re in danger.

Are you prepared to RADICALLY change your life over a short period of time? You can see changes in as little as three months, but you’re going to have to commit to making a change. There’s both work and relaxation to do!

If those don’t apply to you, it’s unlikely that you’re ready to start healing your nervous system and shifting your mindset to begin changing your body’s responses. If you said yes to those three questions, it’s time to make the change and commit!

Where to Start Your Holistic Healing Journey

You’ve answered yes to all three questions, you’re ready to take advantage of the benefits of shifting your mindset, and now you just need to know where and how to get started with your holistic healing journey. And it’s right here.

Whether you want to focus by starting with regulating your nervous system through our Mind-Body Healing Method or give yourself a nervous system reset, both are available for you to do in your own home! 

You don’t have to go to a practitioner in person to start seeing results and working on yourself. While working 1:1 may help you stick to your program and get results quicker, both methods will provide you with the tools you need to regulate your system like a pro and shift your mindset to better your health.

Not sure which program or method is best for you? Book your free intro call! This will allow us to get a better understanding of what you’re looking for and how we can best help you.


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