Is Hustle Culture Affecting Self-Growth?

Image of rush hour at a train station. You can learn to slow down with anxiety therapy online in Utah. While it can seem hard at first an online therapist will help. Call today to learn about our online therapy in Utah. Read on.

What does it really mean to BE ourselves? Why do we do all this self-growth work in anxiety therapy online?

A Different Perspective

Image of a woman sitting on a rock. Are you wanting to start online therapy in Utah to help you reconnect? Working with an online therapist in Utah can help you grow. In order to learn more about anxiety therapy online in Utah keep reading. Call now!

I just took a month off from my Texas and Utah therapy practice to travel and was expecting to have all this time to work on me…but guess what- that didn’t happen (in the traditional sense).

I didn’t journal once, I meditated a few times, and I didn’t have any huge life epiphanies. I know I talk about practicing what I preach all the time. Oh and I do, but this last month looked a little different. While traveling in Croatia I heard the term Pomalo all the time, which literally means slow or slowly.

I would be hustling about trying to rush through the day, but they truly do not have to-go food or coffee places like we do in the U.S.- and believe me, we tried to get our coffee to go many times because… habit. Then I realized, hey, Pomalo, let’s sit and have our coffee, and JUST  BE.

Do Less, but Do it Better!

For me, I’ve been caught in a do more stance for a long time and am learning to take it easy. My body requests it… as I’m sitting here writing this having just been diagnosed with mono… (I checked in with myself beforehand to see if I had the energy to write this and my body gave me the green light).

Image of a woman next to her bike looking at the water. Anxiety therapy online in Utah can help you slow down. Working with an online therapist in Utah can improve your self-growth. Try online therapy in Utah and Texas. Call today!

Now I’m not saying you have to quit your job, take time off and totally redo your life. What I’m saying is- how much are you expecting yourself to do things the way you think they “should” be done according to what you’ve been told vs really truly checking in with yourself and just being with you and being in your life?

It’s a question I invite you to keep asking yourself. How much are you able to truly be with the insights you learned in anxiety therapy online, your healing journey,  or the people that fill up your cup? One of the things I have learned as an online therapist in Utah is that the more we can be, the more our bodies and minds will appreciate us. 

Begin Anxiety Therapy Online in Utah or Texas

It may not feel like it now, but you don't have to live the hustle and bustle life. Anxiety therapy online works and it truly can help you overcome life’s obstacles. Together we can work on you reconnecting with yourself on a personal level. I started my therapy practice in Austin, TX to help people overcome their struggles. Now, I can help throughout multiple states with online therapy in Texas and online therapy in Utah. As a trained online therapist, I understand the challenges you are facing right now and I am ready to help. If you're considering beginning treatment, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact me and fill out a consultation form

  2. Together we'll find a time to talk and see if I am the right therapist for your needs

  3. Learn techniques to overcome the hustle and bustle life you are living.

Additional Therapy Services Offered at Elevate Therapy in Utah & Texas

At my Austin, TX-based counseling practice, I take a holistic approach to counseling. I understand that you are a multi-faceted person and that you may be experiencing many challenges. This is why I offer binge eating therapy, anxiety treatment, and trauma therapy. As well as, therapy for self-esteem and therapy for life transitions. If you searching for chronic pain management, I can help as well. As an online therapist in Texas & an online therapist in Utah, I provide services designed to help you deal with these problems. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about how holistic therapy can help. I would be overjoyed to be a part of your journey.


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